Desert Racer
Dec 12, 2020
2 min read

A VR Gamejam project from 2015
Back in December 2015 at a 48 hour Gamejam in Viborg, a friend and I teamed up as the team “VRBoys” and made a little VR game for Android and Google Cardboard 🙂
It was a racing game inspired by Wipeout and Star Wars pod racer, and the objective was simple:
- You have to avoid the edges and obstacles.
- The game speed increases automaticly when you race the track.
- If you die, you will restart at the beginning of the game.
The game project is made in Unity3D (now updated to version 2019.4.0f1) for Google Cardboard and can be played on Android devices, with a Bluetooth controller in your hands.
When we made the game back in 2015, we used a Samsung Galaxy S7 phone, a VR kit made of cardboard and rubberbands, and a cheap gamepad from China, connected to the phone using Bluetooth.
Recently I released the source code and assets for the game on GitHub. Feel free to download it, play it, modify it, or feed it to your virtual pet.
The code is a mess, and there is a lot of unused stuff, but it was fun to make. Just keep in mind it were made in 48 hours from idea to prototype build, by 2 people.